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Image courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
Image courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
Highlights of 1963
Image courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
Image courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.

Highlights of 1963

Artifact ID1970.2.102 (J)
Date ca. January 1964
Medium Paper
DimensionsOverall H 11 5/8 in x W 16 1/2 in (29.5 cm x 41.9 cm )

Physical Description
Physical DescriptionPrint reproduction of cartoon drawing. German clipping. Frame 1: A baby (“1964”) chases an old man away and says, “Einszweidrei! Im Sauseschritt läuft die Zeit; wir laufen mit [One two three! Time is running at a fast pace; we run with it.]”. Additional text at lower center: “Um das Neue zu begreifen, laßt uns kurz Alte streifen. [To grasp the new, let us touch briefly on the old.]”. Frame 2: A group of people are seated around a table. One man (identifiable as Charles de Gaulle) grabs a pot (“EWG”) in the middle of the table. Additional text at lower center: “1. Anfangs Jahr - man saß in Brüssel ratend um die Wirtschaftsschüssel - zeigte Charles der Große leider sich als kleinen Futterneider. [At the beginning of the year - people sat around the economic bowl in Brussels guessing - Charles the great leader unfortunately showed himself to be a little jealous of food.]". Frame 3: A man dressed as a jester ice skates over a frozen lake (“Bodensee [Lake Constance]”). An angel blows air at him and he passes a goose and a sign (“Nichtswimmer halt [Stop non-swimmers]”). Additional text at lower center: “2. Dieses frostige Verhalten hielt man den Naturgewalten offenbar als Beispiel vor, denn was flüssig war, gefror. [This frosty behavior was apparently held up as an example to the forces of nature, because what was once liquid froze.]”. Frame 3: A man (identifiable as Nikita Khrushchev) talks to another man. Additional text at lower center: “3. Rußland brauchte dringend Röhren. Deutschland ließ sich nicht betören, denn man schätzt von früher her große Röhren dort nicht sehr. [Russia urgently needed tubes. Germany did not allow itself to be deceived because in the past, large tubes were not valued much there.]”. Frame 5: A man and woman kiss inside a space capsule and a baby carriage follows them. Additional text at lower center: “4. Cooper, der das All bereiste und die Erde kühn umkreiste wich schon bald als Weltraum-Star einem Kosmorussenpaar [Cooper, who traveled space and boldly orbited the earth, soon gave way as a space star to a Russian couple in the cosmos].”. Frame 6: An eagle and a bear on opposite sides of a globe talk on the telephone. Additional text at lower center: “5. Jene Möglichkeit verhütend, daß die Großen, wenn sie wütend, einen Krieg vom Zaune reißen, legte man den Draht, den heißen [To avoid the possibility that the greats, when angry, would start a war, the hotline was lain.]”. Frame 7: An angel (“Pax [Peace]”) picks up mushrooms near a sign with an “X” over a mushroom cloud. Additional text at lower center: “6. Außerdem und noch gescheiter, ging man eine Stufe weiter und belegte mit dem Fluch jeden weitern Pilzversuch [In addition, and even smarter, they went another step and put a curse on every further mushroom attempt].” Frame 8: A man (identifiable as Nikita Khrushchev) argues with a dog with the face of a man (identifiable as Mao Tse-tung). Additional text at lower center: “7. Chruschtschow schmeichelte dem Westen dutch diverse nette Gesten. Mit den bösen Pekinesen ist er nicht so lieb gewesen [Khrushchev flattered the West with various nice gestures. He wasn’t so nice with the angry Pekingese].” Frame 9: A man and woman talk to each other and then walk away together under an umbrella. Additional text at lower center: “8. Herr Profumo ließ uns ahnen, daß von Englands Untertanen mancher neben Schirm und Hut etwas drittes schätzen tut. [Mr. Profumo gave us an inkling that some of England’s subjects valued something other than an umbrella and hat.]”. Frame 10: A man (identifiable as Harold Macmillian) walks away with a set of golf clubs from another man (identifiable as Sir Alec Douglas-Home) who tips his hat. Additional text at lower center: “9. Harold, diesen Ehrenmann, focht das alles wenig an. Leider ist er dann erkrankt und hat dennoch abgedankt. [Harold, this man of honor, was little troubled by this. Unfortunately, he fell ill and resigned anyway.]”. Frame 11: A man walks through a city at night. The moon has the face of a man (identifiable as Ludwig Erhard). Additional text at lower center: “10. Auch der große Boccia-Meister (Konrad Adenauer heißt er) hat zur Ruhe sich gesetzt. Ludwig hat er nie geschätzt. [Even the great Boccia champion (his name is Konrad Adenauer) has retired. He never appreciated Ludwig.]”. Frame 12: Five men (identifiable as LBJ, Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Tse-tung, Ludwig Erhard, and Charles de Gaulle) row a boat. Additional text at lower center: “11. Mögen - sagen wir zum Schlusse - alle Menschen (auch der Russe) zwecks Verständigung auf Erden weiser und gescheiter werden! [May- let’s say- all people (including the Russians) become wiser and cleverer for the purpose of understanding the earth.]”. A small piece of paper “1.I.64(N) I.” adhered to lower center. A small piece of paper “1.I.64(N) II.” adhered to lower right. Caption: “Streiflichter auf 1963 [Highlights of 1963]”. Artist signature at upper left and lower right: “Gil”.
Historical NoteDuring the Johnson administration and general postwar era, much foreign policy was dictated by the Cold War, the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union for political influence amidst decolonization, associated with proxy wars, ideological struggles, the nuclear arms race, and the space race.
Additional Details
Custodial History NoteThe item was a gift from the general public to President Johnson during his term in office. It was received by President Johnson personally, until the President donated it to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in 1970.
Credit LineGift of Lyndon Baines Johnson
Use Restriction StatusRestricted - Fully
Use Restriction NoteCopyright or other proprietary rights are held by individuals or entities other than the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum. The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum does not warrant that the use of materials will not infringe on the rights of third parties holding the rights to these works, or make any representations or warranties with respect to the application or terms of any international agreement, treaty, or protections that may apply. It is your responsibility to determine and satisfy any copyright or other use restrictions. Pertinent regulations can be found at 36 C.F.R 1254.62.
Person Referenced Sir Alec Douglas-Home (Great Britian)
Person Referenced Harold Macmillan (United Kingdom, 1894 - 1986)
Person Referenced Mao Tse-tung (China, 1893 - 1976)
Person Referenced Nikita Khrushchev (Soviet Union, 1894 - 1971)
Person Referenced Konrad Adenauer (Germany, 1876 - 1967)
Person Referenced Charles de Gaulle (France, 1890 - 1970)
Person Referenced Lyndon Baines Johnson (United States, 1908 - 1973)
Person Referenced Ludwig Erhard (Germany, 1897 - 1977)
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