Image courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
Shining Lights of the Grand Old Party
Artifact ID1969.80.120
Object Type
Cartoon Clipping
Frederick Burr Opper
(United States, 1857 - 1937)
ca. October 1890
Paper, ink
DimensionsOverall H 13 1/4 in x W 10 in (33.7 cm x 25.4 cm )
Physical DescriptionPhysical DescriptionCover cartoon from the October 15, 1890 Puck magazine. Two men (identifiable as Mathew Quay and George W. Delamater) stand in front of a sign (“Bills may be posted here freely. The bill-boards will not object.”). Quay wears a prison uniform and is covered in bills (“His Guilty Silence Buffalo Courier.”, “Confess and Retire”, “Buffalo Courier”, “St. Louis Republic Looks Bad for Quay”, “Charges Against Quay Phil. Times”, “If Mr. Quay does not dare to defend his character he should be immediately discarded by the party Christian Enquirer”, “Speak or Res…”, “Shameful Charges. Guilty Silence”, “Quay is a Public Embezzler New York Times.”, “[C]harges”, “Charge Bribery”, “Charges of Corruption”, “C[h]arge of Bribery”, “Sir - No graver scandal has darkened our political history than the charges brought against Senator Quay If they are true Senator Quay ought to be in the penitentiary! H.C. Lea’s letter to the prest.”, “Quay is a Public Thief New York Evening Post.” “Charges of dishonesty bribery corruption”, “Answer or Resign Minneapolis Tribune”, and “Quay stole the public money. New York World.”). Delamater is also covered in bills (“Charges of Bri[ber]y”, “Your silence is a confession Henry C. Lea”, “Charges of corruption”, “I charge that he (Delamater) procured his election to the Senate of this state by improper means. Ex-Sen. Emery.”, “Charges of Bri[bery]”, “I charge that when a memorial had been contemplated to be presented to the Senate of the State to prevent him from taking the oath of office, he paid large sums of money for the suppression of said memorial. Ex-Sen. Emery.”, and “I charge that he (Delamater) procured by improper means citizens of Crawford Co. to vote for him. Ex-Sen. Emory.”). Quay says, “I will stick to Dignified Silence.”. Delameter says, “Me too!”. Caption: "Shining Lights of the Grand Old Party.". Additional text across the top: “Puck” “What fools these Mortals be!”. Additional text at upper left: “Vol. XXVIII. - No. 710.”. Additional text at upper center: “New York, October 15, 1890”. Additional text at upper right: “Price, Ten Cents.”. Additional text at upper left: “Keppler & Schwarzmann, Publishers.”. Additional text at upper center: “Copyright, 1890, by Keppler & Schwarzmann.”. Additional text at upper right: “Puck Building, Cor. Houston & Mulberry Sts.”. Additional text at upper center: “Entered at the post office at New York and admitted for transmission through the mails at second-class rates.”. Artist signature lower right: “F. Opper”.
Historical NoteMatthew Quay was a Republican senator from Pennsylvania. In 1890, he was accused of corruption and bribery. George Delamater was a Republican that unsuccessfully ran for governor of Pennsylvania in 1890.Additional Details
Custodial History NoteThis item was given to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum Collection in 1969.
Credit LineGift of Mr. Ralph E. Becker
National Archives Catalog CollectionLyndon B. Johnson Library Museum Collection (National Archives Identifier 192413)
National Archives Catalog SeriesGifts to the LBJ Library (National Archives Identifier 189698391)
Use Restriction StatusUnrestricted
Use Restriction NoteReproduction or other use of these holdings or images thereof is unrestricted.
Person Referenced
Lewis Emery Jr.
(United States, 1839 - 1924)
Person Referenced
Matthew Stanley Quay
(United States, 1833 - 1904)
In Collection(s)
Not on view
Place of Publication