Edward Brooke
United States, 1919 - 2015
Edward Brooke, attorney and politician, had a long political career in Massachusetts, culminating in his service in the Senate 1967-1979. A Republican, he was the first African American to be elected to the Senate by popular vote. He also served as attorney general for the state of Massachusetts. Brooke was a self-described liberal or moderate Republican – a liberal on social issues and a pragmatic fiscal conservative.
Related Web LinksAdditional LBJ Library holdings related to this Individual can be accessed at https://www.discoverlbj.org/solr-search?q=Edward+Brooke
Additional National Archives holdings related to this Individual can be accessed at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/10581213
Social Networks and Archival Context record: https://snaccooperative.org/view/7341797