Aline Fruhauf
United States, 1907 - 1978
Editorial Cartoonist for The Morning Telegraph (1926)
Aline Fruhauf was an American caricature artist who drew over 3,000 characters throughout her career, many of which were mixed-media caricatures of singers, politicians, and other new age artists. Her debut print appeared in the New York World in 1926, and she was employed as an editorial cartoonist for the Morning Telegraph the following year. Fruhauf began to accept more commission work when the stock market crashed, one of which became her most successful piece: The Nine Old Men.
Related Web LinksEditorial Cartoonist for The Morning Telegraph (1926)
Aline Fruhauf was an American caricature artist who drew over 3,000 characters throughout her career, many of which were mixed-media caricatures of singers, politicians, and other new age artists. Her debut print appeared in the New York World in 1926, and she was employed as an editorial cartoonist for the Morning Telegraph the following year. Fruhauf began to accept more commission work when the stock market crashed, one of which became her most successful piece: The Nine Old Men.
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