James E. Campbell
United States, 1843 - 1924
U.S. Representative from Ohio (1884-1889) Governor of Ohio (1890-1892)
Campbell, James Edwin; Rep. from Ohio; b. Middletown, Butter Co. Ohio, July 7, 1843; served in the Union Army as a member of the Mississippi Squadron; lawyer; prosecuting attorney Butler Co., 1876-1880; successfully contested the election of Henry L. Morey to the 48th Congress and re-elected to the 49th & 50th Congresses, serving from June 20, 1884 to March 3, 1889; Democrat; Governor of Ohio, 1889-1892; served on commission to codify the state laws 1908-1911; resumed the practice of law in Columbus, Ohio, and died there on Dec. 18, 1924
Related Web LinksCampbell, James Edwin; Rep. from Ohio; b. Middletown, Butter Co. Ohio, July 7, 1843; served in the Union Army as a member of the Mississippi Squadron; lawyer; prosecuting attorney Butler Co., 1876-1880; successfully contested the election of Henry L. Morey to the 48th Congress and re-elected to the 49th & 50th Congresses, serving from June 20, 1884 to March 3, 1889; Democrat; Governor of Ohio, 1889-1892; served on commission to codify the state laws 1908-1911; resumed the practice of law in Columbus, Ohio, and died there on Dec. 18, 1924
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